liar, liar, pants on fire

Sadly, you confuse liberty with the liberty of the well-off to cream off most of the benefits of economic growth, which actually stunts thier - as well as your - economic growth, and probably makes you blind to boot.

Your economic short-sightedness certainly does take some explaining.

Miscalcuted greed is doing rather better for itself in the US than is good it's own benefit, let alone the advantage of the country as a whole, but you can't see that - you right-wing blinkers give you a very restrricted filed of view.

Bill Sloman, Sydney 

And your demonstrated lack of typing skills seriously undercuts your  
left-wing nutcase theories. Words DO matter, and so does correct placement  
and spelling of them on the page. 
Learn to proofread, then go visit Phil Allison. Maybe you two will kill each  
other -  win-win.
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Everybody makes typos, more when jet-lagged - and we flew from Nijmegen to Sydney at the weekend.

My economic orthodoxy has been on parade here for years. Right-wing nut cases continue to want to beleive that the earth is flat, and Keynes was wrong, but their passionate desires don't count as evidence.

Sure, but language is designed to cope with a fairly noisy channel - speech is a lot noisier than text - and you've had no problem in perceiving the message that I intended to send.


A few years ago I proposed to Phil Alison that we get together over coffee - he was appalled by the idea. The offer is still open. I doubt that we'd come to blows - face to face interaction opens up more communication channels than swapping strings of text, and it is a bit easier to see when you start to become irritating.

Meanwhile, why don't you learn to think? Complainng about typo's is the clearest possible indication that you can't find fault with the intellectual content of a post, though talking about intellectual content to a right-wing nitwit is something of a waste of bandwidth.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

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