liar, liar, pants on fire

This article out of Foreign Policy Magazine explains it all.

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The Romney military spending is simply insane. And he wants to cut taxes at the same time. Shades of Ronald Reagan, the stupidest f*ck to ever occupy the White House.

Time did a good two parter on military spending:

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Ignorance. Hatred. Intolerance. ...just pointing it out.

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You have omitted to mention his amazing ability to insult host nations that he visits. Even staunch Conservatives like our own Prime Minister David Cameron and Lord Mayor of London Boris Johnson view him as something toxic to be handled with thick rubber gloves and tongs.

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This report is from the UK right wing Tory press. He couldn't even remember the name of the leader of the opposition or answer any questions from US press people who were travelling with him.

All he had to do pre Olympics was turn up here and glad hand a few people and he would have looked like a good statesman. Instead now after seeing him in person we delete the spare "m" out of "Mormon". He is perhaps a little unlucky to be called Mitt which alliterates so nicely with Moron but he certainly lives up to his new nick name.

The idea of someone so incapable in the Whitehouse is truly *SCARY*. Unfortunately I think the American people are dumb enough to elect him.

He makes Dubya Bush look like an "inturlekturel jyient" (sic).

Martin Brown
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Martin Brown

As far as the link on Romney and Monsanto, I certainly don't care for the Monsanto relation but I don't see how Obama has helped fix the Monsanto situation either.


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Hah. The thing is, he only pandered to the Tea Party because he had to to get the nomination. He doesn't really belong to that loonie cult. Joseph Smith was such an obvious charlatan and con-man, and the LDS teachings are such low-quality SF (reminiscent of Hubbard and Scientology), that it seems inconceivable that any intelligent person could take it all seriously. Apparently Romney does.

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Gib Bogle

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I agree, but I don't think Romney intends to do the things he says in his campaign speeches. It's all just for the purposes of getting elected. He'll say anything (in public) if he thinks it will boost his chances. What he says when he thinks it will not reach the public (e.g. at $50k/plate fundraisers) is another matter entirely.

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Gib Bogle

It matters to you, because you are Republican groupie, ready to froth at the mouth in sympathy with any comment that reflects badly on a Democrat.

The rest of us have noticed that Barak Obama is a politician. His major recommendation is that he's not quite as deeply in the corporate pocket as Mitt Romney, and not quite so committed to right-wing economic lunacies.

He has still been elected under the American voting system, designed by the founding tax evaders to give disproportionate influence to people with money. The people that back him have enough sense to realise making the American working class poorer doesn't actually make them richer - a point which seems to have escaped the Republicans, who have yet to realise that the poor are not only their work force but also the bulk of their customers.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
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Bill Sloman


Romney isn't cutting taxes, he wants to cut marginal rates. That would be an inconvenient fact, if it weren't just .. so .. darn .. hard .. to understand. Four legs good, two legs bad! There, that's better.

Fortunately people aren't using facts, they're relying on Obama.

James Arthur
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They're politicians and virtually all liars.

They spend a lot of time just being re-elected. And to do that, they will say whatever they think will satisfy who they are talking to at the time.

Money helps get them re-elected so they'll go for that and the companies that give them that money,.

Doesn't everybody know this already ?? There are so many drooling idiots these days...

Notice how hard it is to find a decent engineer too ??


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Obviously not. He hasn't been elected yet, and with any luck he never will be.

Which is to say that he wants to cut taxes, if he ever gets elected. Most politicians say something like that when they want to get elected. Wasn't it Dubbya's father who said "Read my lips, no new taxes." And proved to have been lying - or a least the victim of real- world exigencies.

I thought your version was "Republicans good, Democrats bad" but then again, maybe you thought that you were satirising the Democrats rather than yourself.

Not all of them. Some of them are taking Romney and Ryan seriously - the same kind of mistake, but it does require an even higher level of gullibility. The US really does need a better education system - one that teaches critical thinking to more than a tiny minority.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
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Bill Sloman






Not to mention exemplifying it.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
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Bill Sloman

Obama's flaunting the laws, spending all the money our kids'll never have, trashing the dollar, dividing people, and generally wrecking the place.

No one knows how long we can do this. Not long though, everyone agrees. Monsanto seems kind of minor. If it's doing something bad, yeah, stop that.

James Arthur
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Obama's acting in a way that doesn't conform to James Arthur's idea of what the law means. Since Barak Obama is legally trained and James Arthur isn't, this probably isn't something to get too worried about.

Obama is conforming to the advice of most economists and persisting with as much Keynesian pump-priming that he can get past a Republican congress, and this does seem to be enough to keep the economy growing

- if slowly. Pretty much all of the growth turns out to be in the incomes of the top 5% of the income distribution, which means that most of the pump-priming money is going to people who don't need to spend, whereas it ought to be concentrated on the poor who can be relied on to spend all of it.

The Tea Party nitwits in congress couldn't care less, and insisted on renewing Dubbya's tax cuts for the rich for another year, which really is spending money where it does least good (except perhaps to the Tea Party campaign contributions).

This probably counts as trashing the dollar, though James Arthur won't see it that way.

James Arthur want Obama to cut Keynesian pump-priming and drive the economy down the tubes right now. This would close down a lot of firms, drive more people out of work and do damage that it would take years to repair, but James is sure that this is best long term solution for the children of the USA - or at least those that don't starve before they grow up, or have their education cheap-skated out from under them.

James Arthur doesn't know much about economics, and what he knows is mostly wrong.

"Everybody" here means every other Republican groupie who wants to see Mitt Romney elected, even though he isn't anywhere near enough of a right wing nitwit to keep the Tea Party happy.

It all depends on your attitude to genetically modified food. If it arouses irrational anxieties, then Obama isn't as strongly against it as you'd like. If you figure that humans have been genetically modifying their food by selective breeding since the dawn of agriculture, you may be less concerned.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
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Bill Sloman


Oh that's trivia. Obama's a gaffe machine out here, which is why they keep him on teleprompter. Whenever he goes off it he starts spouting off about 57 states, redistribution, and the 10 planks of the communist manifesto. His privileged wife disliked our country, up until her husband got elected. That's what she said, anyhow. It shows.

The main problem with Romney is that he's a free market guy, and he had a real job or two along the way. You're not supposed to do that.

Chavez endorses Obama though, so I'm weighing that heavily. If Putin's on Team-O too, that seals it.

You're getting the full-on distortion. If Romney saves a little girl from a school bus, the press reports on his tie--too expensive. When it's discovered to be a Costco tie, then it's days of "Romney's too stingy." And racist.

Meanwhile, when Obama wastes a trillion dollars on nothing, breaks laws, directs people to lawbreak, and condemns millions to poverty and unemployment, he's a genius man-of-the-people who just happens to act and live like an emperor, at the people's expense.

James Arthur
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Don't forget about giving the Queen an IPod and DVDs.

If you haven't been in academia for three decades, how are you supposed to know about all the new theories of economics?

O has promised P that things will go swimmingly for P in O's second term.

What a guy!

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Hey, how sick is it to describe a dead ambassador as "a bump in the road" ?


John Larkin                  Highland Technology Inc   jlarkin at highlandtechnology dot com    

Precision electronic instrumentation 
Picosecond-resolution Digital Delay and Pulse generators 
Custom timing and laser controllers 
Photonics and fiberoptic TTL data links 
VME  analog, thermocouple, LVDT, synchro, tachometer 
Multichannel arbitrary waveform generators
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John Larkin

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r and



Those are very apt descriptions and in many cases understated. But, oh wait , you were never exposed to agent orange or pcb contamination, so it's easy for you to be so coldly objective in your comfy rocking chair.

Romney is a subhuman money worshiping cretin, anyone should be able to read that into his biography unless they're simple.

It's your reader, not my browser. Fix it.

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you were never exposed to agent orange or pcb contamination, so it's easy for you to be so coldly objective in your comfy rocking chair.

Oh, crap! I used to use it to clear weeds off the acre. Until fairies and pansies took over the US it was available at my corner feed store :-)


What the f...! with the double space crap? Hove you gone Google-brain-lack ?:-) ...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, CTO                            |    mens     | 
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      | 
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems  |    manus    | 
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: Contacts Only  |             | 
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  | 
| E-mail Icon at |    1962     | 
I love to cook with wine.     Sometimes I even put it in the food.
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Jim Thompson



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WRONG ... (the DVDs went to his good buddy Gordo :-)

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James Arthur
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Sorreeee! ...but Gordo is rather a queen. ;-)

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