Economics: billionaire's tax (2023 Update)

As I have a company pension and social security I can live on with that. Anything I make in the IRA/stock market is just extra spending money. Like I told the man from Chase all the market means is that in a good year I eat stake and in the down years I may have to eat beans.

Most all the IRA is in a high risk area of the market and very little anywhere else other than some in the local credit union to provide easy access to cash if I want it. That money does not make anything so to speak with the rates of less than 1 %.

This past year do so well that I treated myself to a metal garage and new larger lawn tractor. I had been wanting the garage for a while and did not need the larger lawn tractor,but decided to treat myself. About

2 years ago it was major up keep on the house that the wife wanted like painting and new flooring in a couple of rooms. Last year it was a new refrigerator the wife wanted.
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Ralph Mowery
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Yes, i am too conservative. Lost 30% on RIG, XOM and BP in March 2020. Gain 50% on RIG, MRO, APA and OXY since then. I am fully invested and hedged. Could have gain more than 100% without the hedge.

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Ed Lee

Yeah, that's why Al Gore invented the "climate change scam" it's all a racket so he can sell books and do some dumb speeches.

What is this sad pocket-change figures, doing deals in six figs. if you have to get all academics and scientists to conspire to lie repeatedly about it there'd better be some real cash to be made!!!

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Zuckerberg and Bezos make a few hundred G in one hour. Can't possibly launder money fast enough through those just regular-rich mechanisms.

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Wealthiest 10% of Americans own ~85% of all stocks. I wonder at what percentage ownership the other 90% will figure they're not as rich as they thought they were. Probably 100% as I figure it.

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I consider the money in IRA co-owned with Uncle Sam. I am just gambling with shared equity.

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Ed Lee

About what? Creating wealth isn't the same thing as making money.

Some great scientists and inventors, people who changed the world, never got rich.

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John Larkin

Some would argue "wealth" isn't exactly the same thing as a market cap, and that space tourism in particular consumes more wealth than it produces.

Mr. Musk has become very wealthy but it seems there's some confusion over what it is he does precisely. He likes to tweet a lot so perhaps something of a spokesman. "Professional influencer" is a job people have these days so perhaps "Professional visionary" is a job description also.

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In olden times I think people simply called them "kings."

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You thought when I was talking about "the rich" hating taxes on principle I was talking about _your_ two-bit butt? Yeah. You likely would think that. I meant REAL money, my man!

60% of US households don't have a pot to piss in.
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60% of households correlates pretty well with the ~50% of Americans who own no investment assets or stocks of any type, 85% of stocks are held by the wealthiest 10%.

What one's hoping to bleed from that stone down there I don't know, 0% federal tax seems like an appropriate rate to bill a population segment that don't have shit. "Lucky" them, they're not paying in to funding the next gazillion dollar increase in defense spending for some hi-tech bullshit, either.

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Gonna use my name and wear it all out but don't desire a rejoinder? I think you have to agree the price is right.

But since you are feeling relevant, you

If you went missing how long do you figure the authorities would look for you before calling off the search? If Elon Musk went missing in the scrublands out back his office in Texas on his lunch break one day would they do a quick chopper sweep of the area and then be like "Eh, didn't see him. he may turn up. Have to turn this one over to volunteers, now." Granted he probably has his own S&R team available in case it ever happens.

But in the abstract seems like a decent litmus test of where you fit in in the scheme of things, precise figures are difficult but you can ballpark it.

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If they just floated around on their super-yachts all their life no they wouldn't be "my problem." That's not the only thing they do with their money, however, they use it to buy politicians, buy journalists, and buy governments. At which point these activities very much become "my problem."

At some level of wealth buying the 50th gold-plated Lamborghini becomes boring and the only thing left to do is buy people and manipulate the space of ideas.

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The cause of all my problems? You think it's about me and about _my_ problems. My own problems are not large and what ones I do have money can't fix, anyway.

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Reminds me of a classic track, you know this one? probably not.

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Musk has no royal power over you, except to provoke unbearable jealousy.

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John Larkin

FICA is a half-hidden tax.

Of course, that's easily avoided: don't work.

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John Larkin

My personal wealth exceeds the wealth of about 40% of the entire US population. Because they are negative.

But they do have a pot, for whatever use. Few are actually homeless.

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John Larkin

Yeah, no fooling...

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Doesn't sound like an exciting prospect, as there's a good chance "the people" are going to show up with guillotines sooner or later...

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