core for inverter transformer

Phil happens to be right for once - you aren't capable of thinking straight.

Of course, I might be prejudiced - Phil is Australain, and so am I, so insulting him on the basis of his nationality is also insulting me.

There are - of course - many other, even more valid reasons to insult Phil, and taking offense at his nationality is tactically unsound. Not that insulting him on other grounds does much good either - there doesn't seem to be any effective way of getting the prick to modify his anti-social behaviour. He still knows regular transformers pretty well.

Incidentally don't insult him on the basis of his service provider either - TPG is cheap, if nasty, and I use them myself when I am in Australia.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
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Not really. The fine people of Oz are decended from "failed" criminals, ie they got caught and deported from the UK.

The successful criminals, who were not caught, stayed in the UK, and prospered


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martin griffith

Some Australians are descended from transportees, but the pedestrian fact of the matter is that most Australians are descended from perfectly ordinary immigrants who came out after transportation had ceased - as mine did. My wife's first Australain ancestor came out in

1834, but as a practicing lawyer (so he had never got caught).

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

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"Johnny Boy" skrev i en meddelelse news:45179445$0$26344$

Hmph - I think his people skills was right on the mark this time.

Reply to
Frithiof Andreas Jensen

Most inverters are square wave or use some circuitry to modify that. You could add a choke and capacitors to smooth it off some. If the 555 output is not symmetrical you could divide it by two first.

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Homer J Simpson

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