Generate -+5V from 12V must be right because I can't see my own binary post.

By the way, the internet didn't evolve - it was created by god. (Forgive me. I couldn't resist. My apologies to RogerN).


== All google group posts are automatically deleted due to spam ==
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Loading thread data ...

Okay. I just ran a .op and a .trans on it, using venerable 2n2222 and

2n2907 to set the 6V mid-point. I'm not sure how they stack up with the 1N914's and I'm uncomfortable with the choice. The -rail isn't correct either on the .op or the .trans.

I'm thinking about that pair of diodes and replacing them with an adjustable BJT diode-thingy. Something like:

| ,---+ | | \\ | / | \\ | / | | | | /c +-| | >e | | \\ | / | \\ | / | | | '---+ |

Do R8 and R7 need to be sized so that they greatly exceed the 26mV of the BJT emitter resistor by 20X or 30X to yield better sharing?


Reply to
Jon Kirwan

I didn't set up or run transient response. I was just interested in the operating points.

I'm not sure what you mean by "The -rail isn't correct either on the .op or the .trans..." Is it not working a modification to the original circuit, or is the original not working (it was, for sure)?

R7 and R8 aren't there to perform any type of current sharing. They're there to keep the two transistors from drawing too much current by themselves. They might need to be a little larger under worst case (temperature) conditions. Ideally, the two transistors should be run Class B, and just on the edge of AB.


== All google group posts are automatically deleted due to spam ==
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I know I've posted this link at least a dozen times. It is a read only portal for selected binaries newsgroups.

formatting link

You can\'t have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

Unfortunately most if not all "Free" news servers don't carry binary groups. Also I wont pay to suffer all the spam and other rubbish that comes along with with it !

Best Regards:
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Thankyou Bob. Thats very useful !

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First time it got my attention. I'll give it a shot.

Thanks, Jon

Reply to
Jon Kirwan

Okay. It got my attention long enough to register and check for the group, alt.binaries.schematics.electronic. It doesn't appear on their list. Besides, they don't support NNTP and would be quite difficult to make use of, if I understand what this means.

In short, it doesn't look usable for this purpose because it doesn't include the group. And it doesn't look usable, more generally, because the mechanism (emailing every message, or every message of a thread) isn't a means I would willingly choose.


Reply to
Jon Kirwan




that's strange, because I've used it when the Earthlink news farm was dying. It is like Google groups, except it is a read only portal. I used it when someone mentioned a binary file on the group. The propogation is slow, but most binaries from the group do end up there.

formatting link

You can\'t have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell




supply ?


Thanks. What I did before was to go to the main page at which you referred me and then clicked on "get the USENET messages" link. That took me to:

formatting link

I then went through the process of signing up. They sent me an email, which I saved and edited into an HTML page. Loaded that, then clicked on the "Feed On" button. (I gather they allow me to sign up for 10 different groups.) When I clicked that JAVA link, it set me up on a page where I could ask it to display the ALT groups I might want to include in my 10. alt.binaries.schematics.electronic wasn't in the list.

What you've shown me is something different. It appears to be a bit strange. I'm struggling with the format, which appears to only be the pictures and no text bodies when messages don't include pictures. If so, that means I may be able to access pictures this way but not comments sent to the group about them. Threading seems... well, I'm not seeing how, yet. It looks as though I may be able to pick up on some pictures this way, though. If I'm quick about it... otherwise I may have to weed through pages and hope that my eye can pick out what I'm looking for in the thumbnails.

Perhaps they don't include alt.binaries.schematics.electronic in their emailing service, but do offer a web page with pictures-only component from the group?


Reply to
Jon Kirwan

Google for binary news server - there's some freebies listed.

Reply to
ian field

I did, some time ago. Finding a good NNTP server that includes a binary newsgroup like alt.binaries.schematics.electronic was a "no show." I spent the spare time of a few days on it. Not looking forward to that, again. Especially, if someone has a specific idea on hand that does NNTP for that group in particular.

Of course, when I get a strong enough interest to push the time envelop out some more in the future, I'll take another shot at it.

But for now, yeah. Been there, done that, came up zero.


Reply to
Jon Kirwan

One I clicked on installed as server name: it seems to work and carries alt.binaries,schematics.electronic

Reply to
ian field

Ian. Would you like to correct that ip 202.177.16.??? I guessing its

132. Since that responds with "Operation in Progress"
Best Regards:
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Hehe. 1321 is indeed impossible -- at least with the traditional system which allows only up to 255.


Reply to
Jon Kirwan

Reply to
ian field

Here's the right number again - 121

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ian field is a Hong Kong IP address.
You can\'t have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

Thanks. That one works ! Its a bit slow but its got the alt.binaries.schematics.electronic group. I also got the attached pdf. Good one.

Best Regards:
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My fingers are fraying about the edges so I clipped the 3 key at the same time as the 2

The correct number is

What do you use to identify IP addresses?

Reply to
ian field

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