news importanti sulla normativa RoHS

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è stata sollevata la richiesta di esenzione del Piombo dal bando della direttiva 2002/96/EC per tutti gli assiemi elettronici. La richiesta di esenzione è appoggiata da piu parti: sia da chi studia gli effetti ambientali di avere il Piombo negli assiemi, sia da chi studia gli effetti ambienti dei suoi sostituti, e sia da chi produce-vende-assiste e desidera garantire la qualità del prodotto finale.

Tutte queste persone hanno solevato in coro la loro voce presso il Technical European Committee e portato dati, (dico dati, non impressioni) a supporto di quanto dichiarato da più parti.

Se desiderate vedere questa richiesta di esenzione, potete arrivarci da questo link:

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E' il punto 15 nell'elenco.

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Oggetto: Support of item 15 for lead in solders exemption

Il contenuto della lettera è copiabile da questo indirizzo:

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ed è questo:

--------------------- To: European Commission DG Environment Dear Sir, I am writing in support of exemption request #15 submitted by RoHSUSA:

  1. All electronics assemblies using lead in solder. . Do feasible substitutes currently exist in an industrial and/or commercial scale? None that are environmentally acceptable . Do any restrictions apply to such substitutes? Potential for pollution of water courses with subsequent impact on aquatic life with commonly used silver bearing "replacements". . What are the costs and benefits and advantages and disadvantages of such substitutes? Not an issue . Are there any negative environmental, health and/or consumer safety impacts caused by substitution which are likely to outweigh the environmental, health and/or consumer benefits thereof? Yes - typically as outlined in the data submitted by RoHSUSA the substitutes constitute between a 5 and 6 times increased environmental burden over lead containing solder. . Please indicate a precise wording for this exemption. Lead in solders used for the purposes of forming an electrical interconnection . I believe that the lead in solders removal as legislated under the RoHS EU directive is environmentally damaging, and that the exemption applied for by RoHSUSA for an Exemption under ENV: Directive 2002/95 EC Article 5(1) (b) for lead in solders for all classes of solders in electronics on the grounds of increased environmental impact of alternative materials, is both valid and environmentally necessary Unless this exemption is granted the environment will suffer as a result The environmental impact of not allowing this exemption are fully outlined in the support documentation supplied with the RoHSUSA request notably the US EPA report and the university of Stuttgart report both of which address the life cycle environmental impact of the replacements for leaded and unleaded solders.


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Il giorno Tue, 12 Dec 2006 22:09:46 +0100, "CGC" ha scritto:

Inviata e mandata in giro.

Sperando che serva,

-- ciao Stefano

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