no more Digikey catalogs

It's a question of buggy whips, the demise of which was painful to
accomplish, even with no demand and a sizeable labor force on hand.
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John Fields
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I find it harder to use their search thing. You have to pretty much know what you want already, or hunt through 100 pages of near misses. And too often you get "picture not available", which never happens in the print catalog.

I can flip catalog pages, scanning for, say, a connector or a switch, about 10x faster than I can download search results.

I hope they keep the catalog-pages equivalent online, and not just the search thing.

But I like pencil and paper. The Brat just got a set of about 60 Prismacolor Verithins, and I'm jealous.


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John Larkin

Yeah. 'Specially in the bathroom.

Reply to
John KD5YI

I don't believe I've ever even seen their dead-tree catalog. Didn't even know they had one. What problems do you have with their web site? I keep kidding the Arrow rep that if he wanted to see how a web site should work, go to ( is almost useless).

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I'm with you (except there are some manufacturers that don't have a real link for the digikey site).

We rarely use Mouser (I sent them an order today, but it's rare). I agree about Newark, too. Arrow(NAC) and Avnet are pretty bad, too (YOY can't they get their collating sequences right, rather than using Excel-like collating?).

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I camp out on Digikey most days.

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Me to. Wish they had a Jumbo Polish stand like Home Depots out here do :-)

Regards, Joerg

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I must agree digikey is my favorite search site. You've got to use the feature that lets you select multiple choices within a group.

They could just send us one catalog a year like McMaster-Carr.

George H.

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George Herold




Everyone should leaf through a McMaster Carr catalog.

George H.

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George Herold

I am fairly comfortably certain that particular 'rag' is made from pure recycled "rag".

We killed several thousand acres of trees when we killed off hemp in the US.

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"CS" is still being published, it simply is nothing like it was back in the "VAR" days.

The only thing that disgusts me are requisites that we provide our email. Not saying Digi-Key is that way, just saying that getting to a web site that has link clickety click item "A", but requires you to sign up to get it, is annoying as hell.

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They do not have "stores" all over the place as MMC does.

Think of the savings of NOT printing literally more than a couple million catalog copies, and the postal fees.

Greenificiation in the nation.

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Ditto. But they indicated that change _months_ ago..

Reply to
Robert Baer

As a PDF??? Are you nuts? It would take ages even on high speed internet (many days on dial-up ASS_u_ME-ing no "burps").

  • Well, the Mouser catalog was always superior anyway. Tabbed sections,where the tab has an alphabetical index for the section; page dark "tabs" (or whatever they are called) with not only DESCRIPTIONS, but MEANINGFUL ones for each sub-section, _and_ virtually everything alphabetically arranged. Almost puts the web to shame.
Reply to
Robert Baer

I use catalogs almost exclusively. Do notknow what to do when the DigiKey catalog wears out..

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Robert Baer

A while back, my Newark (excuse me, "Element 14") field rep admitted that they recently did an internal poll of Newark (by which I mean "Element 14") sales offices for the most-used search engine. The answer -- by far -- was the DigiKey website.

Hey, while we're on the topic, has anyone else noticed a sudden upsurge in mis-picks from DK? We bring in a few dozen line items a week from them, and for a few months there, we were getting a 1% mis- pick rate, which is far higher than the DigiKey or yore. And nasty ones, too: a surface-mount FET was replaced with a BJT in an identical package which sort of worked in the circuit. We shipped a bunch of those before we noticed.

-Jim MacA.

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Jim MacArthur

Robert Baer expounded in news:GZKdnfhM4NNyt0LQnZ2dnUVZ snipped-for-privacy@posted.localnet:

If you know exactly what you need, the search works great. For other things, you need to browse what is available and possibly make a selection (for example enclosure hardware etc.)

If the PDF is created with a proper index (with hierarchical section headings) it then becomes almost as convenient as a paper catalog.

One thing that I'd like to see is a catalog that works properly in ebooks. This is probably only of interest to hobbyists. But then it is possible to flip through and browse the catalog on your commute (letter sized PDFs are a pain to scroll through in an ebook).


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Jon Elson expounded in news:RaOdnZ8FHaCzKUPQnZ2dnUVZ

I rather like the current Mouser website. I especially like the fact that they host your project parts lists until you are ready to order them. I usually keep a few "wish lists" going as well. Last time I checked, I didn't see this in the DigiKey site.


I do the same with the Mouser site.

The only thing I find about Mouser, is that they tend not to carry older parts. If the part isn't "current", I have to find it elsewhere. I'm willing to pay a small premium for the convenience of ordering it from one place.


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My assembler was bitten when an entire order of SM caps was mismarked, so now I have to manually replace two caps on every board I assemble... :-(

I also keep receiving mis-counts on some mini speakers I order. Twice now I have receieved 20-50% more than I ordered!


Reply to
Charlie E.

Can be done. Once you log in, look for the "existing orders" box. That will list any open but uncommitted orders. There is also a "parts list / BOM manager" on that page that I've never used. It may be more sophisticated than my usual "throw this on the open order until it's time to pull the trigger" operating mode...

Rich Webb     Norfolk, VA
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Rich Webb

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