Help!problem on QuickCam Express on PXA255/Sitsang


I have an Intel XScale PXA255/Sitsang evaluation platform which has a linux kernel 2.4.19 and I have installed the driver for a Logitech QuickCam Express camera.Now the driver can work and I can query and controll the camera through ioctl().Unfortunately,I found that I just can't capture image from the device.The code I used to capture image is from

formatting link
it just like this,maybe it's somewhat long,the problem occured in NextFrame() function:

// // this program demonstrates simple capture // it is only moderately robust in its error handling, and // if an error is encountered, the program does not perform proper cleanup // // for simplicity, the program is written entirely in the main() function // essentially it is cut & pasted from the tutorial //

#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include

char* deviceName = "/dev/video0"; int deviceHandle = 0; int i; // temporary counter struct video_capability capability; struct video_channel queryChannel; struct video_channel selectedChannel; struct video_window captureWindow; struct video_picture imageProperties; struct video_mbuf memoryBuffer; struct video_mmap* mmaps; char* memoryMap; int channelNumber = 0; int width = 320; int height = 240; int depth; int palette; int bufferIndex;

char* NextFrame() { // send a request to begin capturing to the currently indexed buffer if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &mmaps[bufferIndex]) == -1) { // capture request failed }

// move bufferIndex to the next frame ++ bufferIndex; if (bufferIndex == memoryBuffer.frames) { // bufferIndex is indexing beyond the last buffer // set it to index the first buffer bufferIndex = 0; }

/*Here is the Problem // wait for the currently indexed frame to complete capture if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCSYNC, &mmaps[bufferIndex]) ==

-1) { // sync request failed }


// return the address of the frame data for the current buffer index return (memoryMap + memoryBuffer.offsets[bufferIndex]); }

int main() { // open the device deviceName = "/dev/video0"; deviceHandle = open (deviceName, O_RDWR); if (deviceHandle == -1) { // could not open device printf ("Could not open device %s - %s\n", deviceName, sys_errlist[errno]); return -1; }

// get device capabilities if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGCAP, &capability) == -1) { // query failed printf ("could not obtain device capabilities\n"); return -1; } if ((capability.type & VID_TYPE_CAPTURE) == 0) { // this device cannot capture video to memory, exit printf ("this device cannot capture video to memory\n"); return -1; }

// enumerate and print out the channels printf ("Select a channel:\n"); i = 0; while (i < capability.channels) { = i; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGCHAN, &queryChannel) !=

-1) { // ioctl success, queryChannel contains information about this channel printf ("%d. %s\n",,; } ++ i; }

// have the user select a channel printf (": "); fflush (stdout); scanf ("%d", &channelNumber);

// set the selected channel = channelNumber; selectedChannel.norm = VIDEO_MODE_NTSC; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCSCHAN, &selectedChannel) == -1) { // could not set the selected channel printf ("Could not set channel #%d\nNot a fatal error.", channelNumber); }

// set the desired width and height if ((capability.type & VID_TYPE_SCALES) != 0) { // supports the ability to scale captured images

// have the user enter a desired width printf ("Enter the desired width (e.g. 320): "); fflush (stdout); scanf ("%d", &width); printf ("Enter the desired height (e.g. 240): "); fflush (stdout); scanf ("%d", &height);

captureWindow.x = 0; captureWindow.y = 0; captureWindow.width = width; captureWindow.height = height; captureWindow.chromakey = 0; captureWindow.flags = 0; captureWindow.clips = 0; captureWindow.clipcount = 0; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCSWIN, &captureWindow) ==

-1) { // could not set window values for capture printf ("Could not set desired dimensions\nNot a fatal error.\n"); } }

// retrieve the actual width and height of the capturing images if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGWIN, &captureWindow) == -1) { // could not obtain specifics of capture window printf ("Could not obtain capture window dimensions.\n"); } width = captureWindow.width; height = captureWindow.height; printf ("Capturing dimensions are : %d, %d\n", width, height);

// request that we capture to 24bit RGB

// get image properties if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGPICT, &imageProperties) != -1) { // successfully retrieved the default image properties

// the following values are for requesting 24bit RGB imageProperties.depth = 24; imageProperties.palette = VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCSPICT, &imageProperties) == -1) { // failed to set the image properties printf ("Could not set the video depth and palette.\nPerhaps not a fatal error.\n"); } }

// verify that the requested capture pixel depth and palette succeeded if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGPICT, &imageProperties) == -1) { // failed to retrieve default image properties printf ("Failed to retrieve the video depth and palette.\n"); return -1; } depth = imageProperties.depth; palette = imageProperties.palette; if ((depth != 24) || (palette != VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24)) { // not a format our program supports printf ("Format is not 24bit RGB.\n"); return -1; } printf ("Capture depth is 24bit RGB\n");

// obtain memory about capture space if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGMBUF, &memoryBuffer) == -1) { // failed to retrieve information about capture memory space printf ("Failed to retrieve information about MMIO space.\n"); return -1; }

// obtain memory mapped area memoryMap = (char*)mmap (0, memoryBuffer.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, deviceHandle, 0); if ((int)memoryMap == -1) { // failed to retrieve pointer to memory mapped area printf ("Failed to obtain MMIO space.\n"); return -1; }

// allocate structures mmaps = (struct video_mmap*)(malloc (memoryBuffer.frames * sizeof (struct video_mmap)));

// fill out the fields i = 0; while (i < memoryBuffer.frames) { mmaps[i].frame = i; mmaps[i].width = width; mmaps[i].height = height; mmaps[i].format = palette; ++ i; }

// request capture to each buffer except the last one i = 0; while (i < (memoryBuffer.frames-1)) { if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &mmaps[i]) ==

-1) { // capture request failed } ++ i; }

// set our index to the last buffer bufferIndex = memoryBuffer.frames-1;

// capture and write out ten frames printf ("Capture is ready; capturing 10 images.\n"); int i = 0; while (i < 10) { char* frame = NextFrame();

// write out PPM file char fname[80]; sprintf (fname, "output%02d.ppm", i); printf ("Writing out PPM file %s\n", fname);

FILE* fp; if ((fp = fopen (fname, "w")) == NULL) { printf ("Could not open file %s for writing.\n", fname); return -1; }

fprintf (fp, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height);

int n = width * height;

for (int index = 0; index < n; ++ index) { putc (frame[index*3+2], fp); putc (frame[index*3+1], fp); putc (frame[index*3+0], fp); }

fflush (fp); fclose (fp);

++ i; } printf ("Use 'xv output*' to view output.\n");

// free the video_mmap structures free (mmaps);

// unmap the capture memory munmap (memoryMap, memoryBuffer.size);

// close the device close (deviceHandle);

return 0; }

Evertytime when I run this programme,It will block in NextFrame()at here:

if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCSYNC, &mmaps[bufferIndex]) == -1) { // sync request failed }

so,can anyone tell me why and how can I do,thank you very much!

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