I am a newer for FPGA. I am reading some vhdl codes of others. I find they often use some buffers in design, such as IBUF, OBUF, FDCE, FDCE_1,etc.I have checked these buffer function but still not very sure the reason why these buffers put there. Is there anybody kindly tell me what situation we need a buffer? Or just give me some materials of it. I can check it by myself. Thanks

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Maybe you are looking at a vhdl netlist. Creating a netlist of buffers registers and luts from vhdl source code is the job of synthesis.

-- Mike Treseler

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Mike Treseler

Maybe it is a vendor-specific example. Here is a generic uart example that will work for any device:

formatting link

You could use them to sell devices to customers who don't know synthesis.

I would never use them directly. Let synthesis do its job.

That's it.

-- Mike Treseler

Reply to
Mike Treseler

OK, I see. Thank you , Mike Treseler.

By the way, I am using the Xilinx Virtex-II Pro board now. Could you introuduce a good way to learn how to design FPGA? Is this a correct way to read through the Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-II X FPGA User Guide? Many thanks!


Mike Treseler wrote:

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You only really need an editor and simulator to get started. Once you know how to write and simulate HDL code for synthesis, you can try the design in hardware. Until then, all you can do with the board is run the canned demos and flash the LEDs.

-- Mike Treseler

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Mike Treseler

BUFG is a buffer which drives a global clock network. IBUF is a buffer from the input pin.

IBUF->BUFG would typically be used when an external pin is used to drive a clock signal and the pin is NOT a dedicated clock input.

Ideally a synthesizer would handle this automatically. Sometimes the tool is not smart enough. Instantiating BUFG directly forces it to route the signal on a global clock net.

Having said that, treating a UART RXD signal as a global clock sounds rather bizarre.


Reply to
Jeff Cunningham

Thank you all.

I have a strange thing now. I implemented one algorithm into FPGA board. I sent data generated by Matlab from PC to FPGA board. And the results are sent back to Matlab. Becuause I need caculate the bit error rate, I

tried it many times. I set the number of trials is 10000. It did work in some trials at first but stopped at a random trial. The Matlab always show busy but not continue to next trial. I have to close Matlab and try again. The phenomenon happens every time. Is this the problem of my

vhdl codes=EF=BC=9F But how can it successuflly work for some trials (even reached 9883 trial)? How to fix it?

Jeff Cunn> > Thanks Mike Treseler

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Sounds like a Matlab bug. Open a case with them.

Memory leaks are like that.

Upgrade Matlab. Maybe try a different computer.

-- Mike Treseler

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Mike Treseler

My algorithm is to solve the linear equation R.h=3Db, (R matrix ,b vector is known, generated in Matlab). R,b are transmitted to FPGA board. After the application caculation, h is sent back to Matlab. I set the number of trials is 100. it will no problem. If trials=3D100000, it will happen the "accidently stop" in Matlab. I guess you are right that it looks like memory leak. I tried a simple test. Numbers from 1 to 100 transmit from Matlab to FPGA board(UART) and send them back. These numbers are sent back correctly. If i send the number from 1 to 1000 to UART. The matlab will show like that: (InputBufferSize=3D512 in my matlab version)

---------------------------------------------------------------- Error using =3D=3D> serial.fread SIZE * PRECISION must be less than or equal to InputBufferSize. Error in =3D=3D> testuart at 17 y=3D fread(s,1000,'uint8');

------------------------------------------------------- I am not sure if i say it clearly. Hope you can help me to figure it out. Thanks a lot.


Mike Treseler wrote:

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Sometimes the tool is too smart, and sometimes what you need cannot be properly inferred.

In a multiple clock design, I prefer to direct which clocks get which bufg's. I may also want to direct the naming to facilitate placement control in the constraints file. There are many potential reasons for doing direct VHDL instantation of a specific component.

Nevertheless, I have difficulty with the idea of explicity instantiating hundreds of IBUFs and OBUFs in my code. The tools have matured to the extent that those key pieces will be inferred and created in the edif netlist. (It's the exceptions that merit explicit direction.)


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Not sure if this really helps but a few years ago I saw a problem that was remarkably similar in concept. The PC application would lock up after transferring a significant, but random amount of data to the FPGA via a serial connection. The FPGA uart was one of the free cores on the xilinx site. It turned out the receive data line into the FPGA uart was not being synchronised to the uart clock before being used in the uart. As a result the FPGA uart would occasionally get into a locked up state. (no excuse for the PC app locking up though).

Fix was simply to add a fl> My algorithm is to solve the linear equation R.h=b, (R matrix ,b vector

Reply to
Andrew FPGA

That problem is not solved yet. I did add one D flip-flop before RXD. I copied parts UART code here. Please give me some comment. Is this problem i put the wrong flip-flop.




---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; Library UNISIM; use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

entity UARTNOBUF is PORT( SYSCLK : IN std_logic; --100 MHz from DCM RS232_CTS_OUT : OUT std_logic; RS232_RTS_IN : IN std_logic; RS232_RX_DATA : IN std_logic; RS232_TX_DATA : OUT std_logic; RESET : IN std_logic; READ : IN std_logic; WRITE : IN std_logic; DATAIN : OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); DATAOUT : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); RXRDY : OUT std_logic; TXRDY : OUT std_logic; parityerr : OUT std_logic; framingerr : OUT std_logic ); --detail comments about these port, refer to wrlogic component. end UARTNOBUF;

architecture Behavioral of UARTNOBUF is

SIGNAL CLKX16 : std_ulogic; SIGNAL TX,RX : std_logic; SIGNAL txhold,txreg : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO

0); -- not dataintmp SIGNAL txtag1,txtag2,txparity,TXCLK,TXDONE,paritycycle,txdatardy : std_logic; -- tag bits for detecting SIGNAL rxhold,rxreg : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);-- Holds received data for read SIGNAL rxparity,paritygen, rxstop,rxclk,rxidle,rxdatardy : std_logic; -- Parity bit of received data SIGNAL div2, div27a, div27b, LUTOUT : std_logic; ----------------------------------------------------- signal writeb,readb,txrdyb : std_logic; ----------------------------------------------------- signal txclkb,rxclkb : std_logic;


rxdinst: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => rx, C => SYSCLK, CE => '1', CLR => '0', D => RS232_RX_DATA );

txinst: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => RS232_TX_DATA, C => SYSCLK, CE => '1', CLR => '0', D =>tx );

writebuf: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => writeb, -- Data output C => SYSCLK, -- Clock input CE => '1', -- Clock enable input CLR => '0', -- Asynchronous clear input D => write -- Data input );

readbuf: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => readb, -- Data output C => SYSCLK, -- Clock input CE => '1', -- Clock enable input CLR => '0', -- Asynchronous clear input D => read -- Data input );

RXRDYBUF: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => rxrdy, -- Data output C => SYSCLK, -- Clock input CE => '1', -- Clock enable input CLR => '0', -- Asynchronous clear input D => rxdatardy -- Data input );

TXRDYBUF: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => txrdy, -- Data output C => SYSCLK, -- Clock input CE => '1', -- Clock enable input CLR => '0', -- Asynchronous clear input D => txrdyb -- Data input );


--**************************************** BAUDRATE GENERATOR


-- use shift register and LUT to do the clock divide clkprescale1: SRL16E --divide the signal with 27-- 16+11 GENERIC MAP (INIT => X"0000") PORT MAP ( Q => div27a, A0 => '1', A1 => '1', A2 => '1', A3 => '1', --A = 1111, 16 bits CE => '1', CLK => SYSCLK, D => div27b ); clkprescale2: SRL16E --divide the signal with 27-- 16+11 GENERIC MAP (INIT => X"0001") PORT MAP ( Q => div27b, A0 => '0', A1 => '1', A2 => '0', A3 => '1', --A = 1010, 11 bits CE => '1', CLK => SYSCLK, D => div27a ); clkprescale3: SRL16E --divide the signal with 2 GENERIC MAP (INIT => X"0001") PORT MAP ( Q => div2, A0 => '1', A1 => '0', A2 => '0', A3 => '0', --A = 0001, 2 bits CE => div27b, --using div27 as the enable signal CLK => SYSCLK, D => div2 ); LUT2_inst : LUT2 generic map ( INIT => X"9") port map ( O => LUTOUT, -- LUT general output I0 => div27b, -- LUT input I1 => div2 -- LUT input ); clkdiv1: FDCE GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => CLKX16, -- Data output C => SYSCLK, -- Clock input CE => '1', -- Clock enable input CLR => '0', -- Asynchronous clear input D => LUTOUT-- Data input );

--**************************************** TRANSMITTING

************************************************************ ...............................................................
Reply to

THANKS ALL YOUR HELP. But this problem is not solved yet. I copied part uart codes here. (This UART works well. I add some D-flip flop before some signals ) Please point out what cause my maltalb would be locked up.



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; Library UNISIM; use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

entity UARTNOBUF is PORT( SYSCLK : IN std_logic; --100 MHz from DCM RS232_CTS_OUT : OUT std_logic; RS232_RTS_IN : IN std_logic; RS232_RX_DATA : IN std_logic; RS232_TX_DATA : OUT std_logic; RESET : IN std_logic; READ : IN std_logic; WRITE : IN std_logic; DATAIN : OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); DATAOUT : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); RXRDY : OUT std_logic; TXRDY : OUT std_logic; parityerr : OUT std_logic; framingerr : OUT std_logic ); --detail comments about these port, refer to wrlogic component. end UARTNOBUF;

architecture Behavioral of UARTNOBUF is

SIGNAL CLKX16 : std_ulogic; SIGNAL TX,RX : std_logic; SIGNAL txhold,txreg : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO

0); -- not dataintmp SIGNAL txtag1,txtag2,txparity,TXCLK,TXDONE,paritycycle,txdatardy : std_logic; -- tag bits for detecting SIGNAL rxhold,rxreg : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);-- Holds received data for read SIGNAL rxparity,paritygen, rxstop,rxclk,rxidle,rxdatardy : std_logic; -- Parity bit of received data SIGNAL div2, div27a, div27b, LUTOUT : std_logic; ----------------------------------------------------- signal writeb,readb,txrdyb : std_logic; ----------------------------------------------------- signal txclkb,rxclkb : std_logic;


rxdinst: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => rx, C => SYSCLK, CE => '1', CLR => '0', D => RS232_RX_DATA );

txinst: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => RS232_TX_DATA, C => SYSCLK, CE => '1', CLR => '0', D =>tx ); writebuf: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => writeb, -- Data output C => SYSCLK, -- Clock input CE => '1', -- Clock enable input CLR => '0', -- Asynchronous clear input D => write -- Data input );

readbuf: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => readb, -- Data output C => SYSCLK, -- Clock input CE => '1', -- Clock enable input CLR => '0', -- Asynchronous clear input D => read -- Data input );

RXRDYBUF: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => rxrdy, -- Data output C => SYSCLK, -- Clock input CE => '1', -- Clock enable input CLR => '0', -- Asynchronous clear input D => rxdatardy -- Data input );

TXRDYBUF: FDCE_1 GENERIC MAP (INIT => '0') -- Initial value of register ('0') PORT MAP ( Q => txrdy, -- Data output C => SYSCLK, -- Clock input CE => '1', -- Clock enable input CLR => '0', -- Asynchronous clear input D => txrdyb -- Data input );


--**************************************** BAUDRATE GENERATOR



jtw wrote:

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