Verilog Simulation problem

Hello All

I have a problem with my simulation. Can some one tell me whats wrong. It may be in my test bench as Im no expert. I have reduced the verilog so that its at its simplest.

What I find is that a signal which should be toggling in sequence with the clock in my test bench is just not doing so.

Its the signal Int_Read_Trigger_Address_Clk in the module code. Its just going high when the clear line goes low.

Its so simple I cant believe its not working.

Please have a look below.

------------------------- This is the test bench


`timescale 10ns/10ns

module Comisn_24_tst; // Set up local variables for passing parameters to the device under test. // INPUTS reg TOP_Main_clk; reg TOP_clear; reg TOP_Read_Trigger_Address_Clk; comisn1_Top DUT ( TOP_Main_clk, TOP_clear, TOP_Main_clk); initial // Test stimulus begin // Set initial values for all module inputs. TOP_Main_clk = 0; TOP_clear = 1; TOP_Read_Trigger_Address_Clk = 0; // Set clear line low . #50 TOP_clear = 0; #50000 $stop; end

initial // Clock generator begin TOP_Main_clk = 0; forever #10 TOP_Main_clk = !TOP_Main_clk; end

always begin #10 TOP_Read_Trigger_Address_Clk = !TOP_Read_Trigger_Address_Clk; end initial $monitor($stime,,, TOP_clear,,, TOP_Main_clk,,,TOP_Read_Trigger_Address_Clk); endmodule

------------------------- This is the module


module comisn1_Top (Main_clk, clear, Read_Trigger_Address_Clk );

input Main_clk; input clear; input Read_Trigger_Address_Clk;

reg Int_Read_Trigger_Address_Clk;

///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // First Off Synchronise all external signals to // the main clock for the system. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @ (posedge Main_clk or posedge clear) begin if(clear) begin Int_Read_Trigger_Address_Clk

Reply to
Denis Gleeson
Loading thread data ...


i think there is an error in the instantiation of the module called comisn1_Top at the following line:

infact the port called Read_Trigger_Address_Clk is assigned to TOP_Main_clk that is the same clock used for the register called Int_Read_Trigger_Address_Clk. in this case the clock will sample itself and it will always be 1.


Reply to
Andrea Sabatini

Hi Andrea

Oh Silly Me!

Thanks a million for your help.


Reply to
Denis Gleeson

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