Signal <foo> is assigned but never used. XST Warning help


I am currently working on a Verilog module within ISE and Modelsim, and within this module it gives me the error: Signal is assigned but never used.

I currently have a 2D array that is holding data for me, and I access this data within a task, which is called from another block when I need to compare the new incoming data with the older data, and update/replace as needed. The way that I am trying to get that done is close to this example code I had written:

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module top_mod( input clk, input switch_i, input [2:0] addr_i, output reg [3:0] data_o );

reg [3:0] data0 = 4'b0000; reg [3:0] data1 = 4'b0001; reg [3:0] data2 = 4'b0010; reg [3:0] data3 = 4'b0011; reg [3:0] data4 = 4'b0100; reg [3:0] data5 = 4'b0101; reg [3:0] data6 = 4'b0111; reg [3:0] data7 = 4'b1000;

reg [3:0] data_array [7:0];

reg [3:0] data_hold;

always @(posedge clk) begin if (switch_i) switch_on; else data_o = data_o; end

task switch_on; begin data_hold = data_array[addr_i]; data_o = {switch_i,data_hold[2:0]}; end endtask



In this example I am not writing back to the array, but you get the basic idea, and this does give me the "Signal is assigned but never used." error. Does anyone know why this is happening, or perhaps a better way to read out part of a vector in a 2D array? Let me know if any more info is needed. Thanks for any help!


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Synthesis will optomize out anything that does not factor into the equations for an output pin of the TOP level entity. For example, if your top level entity has no outputs then everything will get optomized away. Even though you may be assigning to signal 'data_hold', if 'data_hold' is not an output of the top level entity itself or it does not cause any changes in any of the outputs that you do have then they will get optomized away and result in the warning that you're seeing.

Check your code for places where you use 'data_hold' and see where the path to the output pins of the device breaks down.


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It looks like data_hold[3] is assigned but never used. In the task, you assign all 4 bits of data_hold, but only bits [2:0] are used to form data_o. XST reports individual bits that are assigned but not used, so I would expect to see: WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal is assigned but never used.

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Joseph Samson

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