[ISE] how to synthesize XilinxProcessorIP/pcore


I want to synthesize "opb_arbiter" in ISE.

What I did was (1) Locate "opb_arbiter_v02_e" and "proc_utils_v1_00_a" (located in EDK directory) (2) Set up parameter : number of master = 4 (default) (3) Compile top module "opb_arbiter".

However an error occurs, as indicated in the source codes below.

/opb_arbiter_v1_02_e/hdl/vhdl/opb_bus_arbiter/onehot2encoded.vhd Error : or_bits is not an entity name

Let us know how to synthesize, if anyone has this experience. Thank you in advance.


-- /opb_arbiter_v1_02_e/hdl/vhdl/opb_bus_arbiter/onehot2encoded.vhd

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


-- OPB_ARB_PKG includes necessary constants and functions

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all;

library opb_arbiter_v1_02_e; use opb_arbiter_v1_02_e.opb_arb_pkg.all;

library proc_common_v2_00_a;


-- Port Declaration



-- Definition of Generics:

-- C_1HOT_BUS_SIZE -- number of bits in the 1-hot bus


-- Definition of Ports:

-- Bus_1hot -- input 1-hot bus

-- Bus_enc -- output encoded bus




-- Entity section

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity onehot2encoded is generic ( C_1HOT_BUS_SIZE : integer := 8 ); port ( Bus_1hot : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_1HOT_BUS_SIZE-1); Bus_enc : out std_logic_vector(0 to log2(C_1HOT_BUS_SIZE)-1) ); end onehot2encoded;


-- Architecture section

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of onehot2encoded is


-- Constant Declarations


-- encoder logic requires that the 1hot bus be padded to next power of

2 constant PAD_1HOT_BUS_SIZE : integer := pad_power2(C_1HOT_BUS_SIZE);


-- Signal Declarations

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal pad_1hot_bus : std_logic_vector(0 to PAD_1HOT_BUS_SIZE-1) := (others => '0');


-- Component Declarations


-- OR_BITS is used to determine if segments of the 1-hot bus are '1'


-- Begin architecture

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin


-- Padded bus generation

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pad_1hot_bus(0 to C_1HOT_BUS_SIZE-1) '0');


OR_GENERATE: for j in 1 to 2**i generate

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Here error occurs : ---- Error : or_bits is not an entity name

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUS_OR: entity proc_common_v2_00_a.or_bits generic map ( C_NUM_BITS => PAD_1HOT_BUS_SIZE/2**(i+1), C_START_BIT => PAD_1HOT_BUS_SIZE/2**(i+1) + (j-1)*PAD_1HOT_BUS_SIZE/

2**i, C_BUS_SIZE => PAD_1HOT_BUS_SIZE ) port map ( In_Bus => pad_1hot_bus, Sig => temp_or(j-1), Or_out => temp_or(j) ); end generate OR_GENERATE;


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