Recommendations on pcb schematic/layout package

I'm doing a home project and don't want to buy a big package (like PADS).

I've used the free PCB123 schematic/layout stuff and I was dissapointed (you get what you pay for) because their component shape libraries were buggy and unsupported. The resulting pcbs were fine, but it was a struggle getting there.

Any other places (like ExpressPCB) that you've had good luck with?

Thanks, Bob

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I have used several PCB layout systems, and I have yet to use one whose libraries are not effectively buggy and unsupported. If you are serious about your boards, plan on making your own libraries. (Life is best if you work for a company that has a dedicated component librarian -- you send a data sheet, the component appears in the library, you say "gee, I think that op-amp needs a smiley face" and the library is updated...).

Eagle (search for it) is pretty good and has a staged pricing/capability structure that starts at $0 for a version that'll do a small two-layer board. Most of the components in the libraries are usable as-is, although if you use more than one library things can get klunky (the reference designators are a bit odd, and there are stylistic differences between libraries that can get confusing).

I have found that if I suppress my gag reflex for most things and am ready to build parts for the rest I can get prototype quality boards built with a minimum of work. Were I going to do a 'professional' quality board instead of the usual 'proof of concept' boards that I do I'd have to do a bunch of work on the libraries, or have it done, but that's par for the course.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

Do you need to implement control loops in software?
"Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems" gives you just what it says.
See details at
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Tim Wescott

Well, here's a topic that hasn't been beaten to death.

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*-you+PLASTICS "Open source".

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There are a few places that still have Circuitmaker 2000 and the companion Traxmaker for download. I've got both of these owner's manuals in pdf I'd be willing to share if you can come up with the software. Don't bother trying to get the old CIrcuitmaker 6 and Traxmaker 3 working; they were fairly buggy.

For my money, this was the sweet spot between low end junk and high end professional before Protel bought them out and then dumped them.


-- "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right." --Henry Ford

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RST Engineering (jw)



If you can live with Linux, check out the gEDA package, which includes PCB

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-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

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I've used ExpressPCB many times. No "bug" problems, but it's basically a fully-manual system.

With patience and forethought, you can lay out some very complex boards.

One nice thing is that once you have a design and you're satisfied it's "perfect", for an extra $60 US, or so, they'll send you the Gerbers.

I suspect some of the other proto houses will send Gerbers too, but best to check first. Sounds like your project is small, so Gerber availability probably isn't an issue?

Never used PADS. Used to use EEDesigner Pro back in the stone ages.


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I've used ExpressPCB many times. No "bug" problems, but it's basically a fully-manual system.

With patience and forethought, you can lay out some very complex boards.

One nice thing is that once you have a design and you're satisfied it's "perfect", for an extra $60 US, or so, they'll send you the Gerbers.

I suspect some of the other proto houses will send Gerbers too, but best to check first. Sounds like your project is small, so Gerber availability probably isn't an issue?

Never used PADS. Used to use EEDesigner Pro back in the stone ages.


The design is pretty simple. Just a 100-pin TQFP and miscellaneous other stuff. Two signal layers and one power/ground pair should do the trick.

I guess the key is to check and double check the libraries and final output.

I think I'll give them a try.



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DQoiQm9iVyIgPG5pbWJ5X05FRURTUEFNQHJvYWRydW5uZXIuY29tPiB3cm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdl IG5ld3M6REstZG5VRU1vcVBkZnlUYW5aMmRuVVZaX29pbW5aMmRAZ2lnYW5ld3MuY29tLi4uDQo+ IA0KPiBJJ20gZG9pbmcgYSBob21lIHByb2plY3QgYW5kIGRvbid0IHdhbnQgdG8gYnV5IGEgYmln IHBhY2thZ2UgKGxpa2UgUEFEUykuDQo+IA0KPiBJJ3ZlIHVzZWQgdGhlIGZyZWUgUENCMTIzIHNj aGVtYXRpYy9sYXlvdXQgc3R1ZmYgYW5kIEkgd2FzIGRpc3NhcG9pbnRlZCAoeW91IA0KPiBnZXQg d2hhdCB5b3UgcGF5IGZvcikgYmVjYXVzZSB0aGVpciBjb21wb25lbnQgc2hhcGUgbGlicmFyaWVz IHdlcmUgYnVnZ3kgYW5kIA0KPiB1bnN1cHBvcnRlZC4gVGhlIHJlc3VsdGluZyBwY2JzIHdlcmUg ZmluZSwgYnV0IGl0IHdhcyBhIHN0cnVnZ2xlIGdldHRpbmcgDQo+IHRoZXJlLg0KPiANCj4gQW55 IG90aGVyIHBsYWNlcyAobGlrZSBFeHByZXNzUENCKSB0aGF0IHlvdSd2ZSBoYWQgZ29vZCBsdWNr IHdpdGg/DQo+IA0KPiBUaGFua3MsDQo+IEJvYiANCg0KDQpZb3UgYXJlIG5vdCBzbWFydCBlbm91 Z2ggdG8gdXNlIFBDQjEyMyB0aGF0J3Mgd2h5IEJvYldpZGUuICAgICBZb3UgbGlrZSBzb21lb25l IHRvIGZlZWQgeW91IGZvb2RzIGluIHlvdXIgbW91dGgsIHRoYXQgd29uJ3QgaGFwcGVuLg0K

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DQoiQm9iVyIgPG5pbWJ5X05FRURTUEFNQHJvYWRydW5uZXIuY29tPiB3cm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdl IG5ld3M6aWZLZG5ZOHlQdG1id2lmYW5aMmRuVVZaX3ZLdW5aMmRAZ2lnYW5ld3MuY29tLi4uDQo+ IA0KPiAibXBtIiA8bXBtaWxsYXJkQGFvbC5jb20+IHdyb3RlIGluIG1lc3NhZ2UgDQo+IG5ld3M6 YjNhMzU0OTktMTFjZi00YzAyLWE1MTgtMDE3NTE5MTY4ODQ2QDYyZzIwMDBoc24uZ29vZ2xlZ3Jv dXBzLmNvbS4uLg0KPiBPbiBGZWIgMTgsIDI6NTM/cG0sICJCb2JXIiA8bmltYnlfTkVFRFMuLi5A cm9hZHJ1bm5lci5jb20+IHdyb3RlOg0KPiANCj4+IEFueSBvdGhlciBwbGFjZXMgKGxpa2UgRXhw cmVzc1BDQikgdGhhdCB5b3UndmUgaGFkIGdvb2QgbHVjayB3aXRoPw0KPiANCj4gDQo+IEkndmUg dXNlZCBFeHByZXNzUENCIG1hbnkgdGltZXMuDQo+IE5vICJidWciIHByb2JsZW1zLCBidXQgaXQn cyBiYXNpY2FsbHkgYSBmdWxseS1tYW51YWwgc3lzdGVtLg0KDQoNCkRhbW5lZCBiYWQgYWR2aWNl LiAgSSd2ZSBkb25lIG1hbnVhbGx5IGxheW91dCBiZWZvcmUsIGl0IHRvb2sgbWUgMiB3ZWVrcyB0 byBkbyAxLzIgZGF5IGpvYi4gIFlvdSBndXlzIHNob3VsZCByZXZpc2l0IHBjYjEyMy4gIEJlIHZl cnNhdGlsZSBvbiBjb21wdXRlciwgbGVhcm4gdG8gcmVjb2duaXplIHRoZSBiZWhhdmlvciBvZiB0 aGUgcHJvZ3JhbSBhIGxpdHRsZSBiaXQgYW5kIHlvdSB3aWxsIGJlIHZlcnkgc3VjY2Vzc2Z1bC4N Cg==

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DQoiVGltIFdlc2NvdHQiIDx0aW1Ac2VlbXl3ZWJzaXRlLmNvbT4gd3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZSBu ZXdzOmZmbWRuYUNfcXREYmVTVGFuWjJkblVWWl9oeW5uWjJkQHdlYi1zdGVyLmNvbS4uLg0KPiBC b2JXIHdyb3RlOg0KPj4gSSdtIGRvaW5nIGEgaG9tZSBwcm9qZWN0IGFuZCBkb24ndCB3YW50IHRv IGJ1eSBhIGJpZyBwYWNrYWdlIChsaWtlIFBBRFMpLg0KPj4gDQo+PiBJJ3ZlIHVzZWQgdGhlIGZy ZWUgUENCMTIzIHNjaGVtYXRpYy9sYXlvdXQgc3R1ZmYgYW5kIEkgd2FzIGRpc3NhcG9pbnRlZCAo eW91IA0KPj4gZ2V0IHdoYXQgeW91IHBheSBmb3IpIGJlY2F1c2UgdGhlaXIgY29tcG9uZW50IHNo YXBlIGxpYnJhcmllcyB3ZXJlIGJ1Z2d5IGFuZCANCj4+IHVuc3VwcG9ydGVkLiBUaGUgcmVzdWx0 aW5nIHBjYnMgd2VyZSBmaW5lLCBidXQgaXQgd2FzIGEgc3RydWdnbGUgZ2V0dGluZyANCj4+IHRo ZXJlLg0KPj4gDQo+PiBBbnkgb3RoZXIgcGxhY2VzIChsaWtlIEV4cHJlc3NQQ0IpIHRoYXQgeW91 J3ZlIGhhZCBnb29kIGx1Y2sgd2l0aD8NCj4+IA0KPiBJIGhhdmUgdXNlZCBzZXZlcmFsIFBDQiBs YXlvdXQgc3lzdGVtcywgYW5kIEkgaGF2ZSB5ZXQgdG8gdXNlIG9uZSB3aG9zZSANCj4gbGlicmFy aWVzIGFyZSBub3QgZWZmZWN0aXZlbHkgYnVnZ3kgYW5kIHVuc3VwcG9ydGVkLiAgSWYgeW91IGFy ZSBzZXJpb3VzIA0KPiBhYm91dCB5b3VyIGJvYXJkcywgcGxhbiBvbiBtYWtpbmcgeW91ciBvd24g bGlicmFyaWVzLiAgKExpZmUgaXMgYmVzdCBpZiANCg0KDQpOb3cgdGhpcyBpcyBhIGdvb2QgcmVj b21tZW5kYXRpb24sIEkgZ2l2ZSAxMDAgcG9pbnRzLg0KDQoNCg==

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weeks to do 1/2 day job. =EF=BF=BDYou guys should revisit pcb123. =EF=BF=BD= Be versatile on computer, learn to recognize the behavior of the program a l= ittle bit and you will be very successful.

I tend not to "blame" my tools, unless they are truly unfit for their intended purpose. For a FREE multilayer manual PCB layout software application that functions exactly as the manual says it should..... it's hard to find fault with that.

We didn't write these applications, and for any number of reasons beyond the OP's control, maybe that app just doesn't work for him, or his machine. That is the basis for the reply. The total assertion that I am not successful because I have somehow failed to recognize the behavior of your preferred program borders on the retarded. Grow up.

I am not arguing that a motorized chainsaw beats a hand axe when you're cutting down trees, only that either will get the job done. ...and on occasion (such as a no fuel condition), the hand axe is actually preferred.


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Once upon a time i bought a schematic capture / PCB tool from these folks:

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I liked it pretty well. It seems that they have a free version for windows. It does not work in wine due to directx issues. I am intrigued, they had a this product 20+ years ago that was usable tools that ran on a 286 and just smoked the competition. Not high enough profile to get bought but still in business. interesting?

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I guess these days, who's going to buy a company who's only product is written mostly in assembly language? Not really a company to get bought out for its technology I guess. And as you say, not high enough in profile (or competing sales) to get bought out either.


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David L. Jones

Check out DipTrace. There is an online manual, and a usable free version.


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Before proceeding with this suggestion, read this:

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