OT: Some bad news for the enemies of Truth

Some of them are quite good, in fact. "Killing the Rising Sun" was excellent. "A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity" was pretty good, too.

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The former I might actually get at that price because I like WWII history; I'm curious as to what remains to be said that's new about the Pacific war after the better part of a hundred years of books being written about it, but I suppose people are still writing books about the Hundred Years War, too.

He seems to like to write books with the word "killing" in the title, bit of a one-track mind

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I wonder why Cursitor Doom thinks that. I'm all for idiots like him get eve ry chance to expose their idiocy.

Such as checking your sources, or making sure that what you are claiming ha s any connection to reality.

What Cursitor Doom means by this is that he will swallow any idiocy present ed to him by the Daily Mail or Russia Today, and regurgitate it anywhere he likes.

This is "free speech" but it does devalue the concept. When what passes for "free speech" is mostly inept propaganda, sensible people start thinking a bout ways of instilling a bit of responsibility in it's purveyors. The libe l laws are one way of doing that, but sueing for libel is very expensive. A n idiocy surcharge on people who posted a disproportionate amount of nonsen se could work on a smaller scale on the less dramatic idiocies of the sort that Cursitor Doom posts.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Jamie is an even more perfect example of the ignoramus than Cursitor Doom, but if I'm the king of the ignoramus population around here, my subjects are not paying enough attention to my regal command to think about what they post.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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O'Reilly is a very good storyteller. If you're into WWII history, I think you'll like it. We listened to the audiobook of "A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity" on a long-distance car trip (read by him). He's a natural storyteller.

In case you hadn't figured it out, history and in particular war history is full of killing.

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Well that explains it, you're in Boston.. You are the far left and you are suffering from your own popullated misguided brain washed mentality.

So all your problems before, now and after are due to the right?

That is typical brain washed democratic sheep.

Enjoy your pompous ass solitude.

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M Philbrook




Whereas Jim is sufficiently brain-washed that he is a spout for the right.

They aren't against free speech. They do insist on their right of free spee ch to heckle right wing nonsense while it is being spouted. The right-wing anti-heckler squads do think that it is proper to use violence against this kind of free speech, and ANTIFA is prefectly happy to defend themselves so that they can keep on heckling.

Jim-out-touch-with=reality-Thompson hasn't noticed that ANTIFA is only vi olent to the extent that it defends its free speech right to heckle. The so rt of right-wing newspapers that he reads don't emphasise the activities of the anti-heckling goons.

Far from it, but Jim is too brainwashed and too out of touch with reality t o realise that he has been fed a bill of goods on the subject.

That's the kind of defense of "free speech" that Jim understands. He misses the point that he is defending the right of his side to speech freely, and without interruption, at the expense of all those people who don't like wh at is being said.

That's not free speech - that's hogging the podium.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Jamie can't even spell polluted, and thinks that Bitres is "far left"

Not a claim that anybody has ever made. The right does seem to be averse to spend tax-payer money to solve a number of obvious problems - their reluct ance to embrace universal health care (which works for every other advanced industrial country) is only one example - but there are plenty of problems that can't be solved by throwing money at them.

If Jamie had a brain to wash, which seems unlikely, it has clearly been pro grammed by poorly informed right-winger.

Bitrex does sound like better company than Jamie - somebody who spends his time wittering about the virtues of unpasturised milk and the dangers of ge tting vaccinated wouldn't be great company, even if the lies he spread were n't actively dangerous.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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ed to speak at UK universities, as opposed to the academics who run the pla ces, and will have to live with the consequences of the decisions made by t he Office for Students.

when it is a right-wing government which is doing the nannying.

Nobody has spelled out how or why they got banned. Germaine Greer started o ff as a university lecturer and speaks perfectly sensibly on TV. Her suppor ters are most unlikely to start a riot, and the most likely explanation for her getting banned is that some right-wing organisation started organising a violent protest, and the university wasn't prepared to spend enough on s ecurity personnel to keep them under control.

It's pure cheap-skating on the part of the universities, and if the Conserv ative Party was sincere about supporting free speech they'd make money avai lable to pay for the security required to protect the speakers and keep the meeting orderly. Since the Conservative Party is even more cheap-skate tha n the universities, the Conservatives are going to set up an office that ca n fine universities for not spending money they haven't got.

It plays well with Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph readers, who don't bother thinking about what's actually going on.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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And what their supporters are likely to do.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Germaine Greer never said any stupid shit at any point in her career. She s aid provocative stuff from time to time, but she's much too clever to say a nything that she couldn't defend in depth. She started off as an academic - and a good one - back when she made lecturer, a woman had to be clearer be tter than any of the male competition to get a lecturer job, and wrote "The Female Eunuch" on the side. It didn't get to be a best-seller for endorsin g ultra-radical female supremacist views - when I read it, back then, it st ruck me as perfectly sensible. I can't find my copy of the book - one of my wife's female graduate student probably borrowed it at some point ..

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Germaine Greer's unique selling point happens to be that she's remarkably clever. The stuff that demonstrates that she's remarkably clever would pass straight over krw's head, but it's fairly obvious to a better educated audience. She might not be the female Spinoza, but she is just as irritating to the people who don't like the logic being laid out.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Krw is stupid enough to post any number of fatuous over-generalisations. He probably hasn't read any of the books written by the "lefty authors" he's writing off - why would he bother since he "knows" that they are stupid?

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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** Ms Greer says whatever comes into her head to say, then she says it clev erly. Her speciality is in the use of words - having obtained a Master of A rts degree in romantic poetry. This makes her entertaining to read or liste n to.

OTOH she often says strange and cruel things, like her comment after the ac cidental death of Steve Irwin " .... the animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin". Not cruel to Steve, as he was dead but very much so to his widow, small son and daughter plus all their fans.

The politically correct police at some universities dislike her pronounceme nts on transgender women, saying they should not be considered as such. Car diff students tried to have her banned from speaking there in 2015.

She annoys a great many folk by constantly assuming she has some special in sight into or understanding of "the truth".

A hell of a lot like Bill Slowman - eh ?

Ms Greer has long described herself as an "anarchist" or "anarchist communi st" - for a long time she associated with such people here in Australia, bu t now she is one of very few left.

.... Phil

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Phil Allison





everly. Her speciality is in the use of words - having obtained a Master of Arts degree in romantic poetry. This makes her entertaining to read or lis ten to.

accidental death of Steve Irwin " .... the animal world has finally taken i ts revenge on Irwin". Not cruel to Steve, as he was dead but very much so t o his widow, small son and daughter plus all their fans.

She wasn't addressing Steve Irwin's family and fans. It might have been con siderate to avoid saying something they wouldn't have liked, but it went do wn well with the much wider audience she was addressing. Quite a lot of fre e speech upsets minority audiences, all of whom want it shut down in conseq uence.

ments on transgender women, saying they should not be considered as such. C ardiff students tried to have her banned from speaking there in 2015.

It's a point of view. Free speech is all about accommodating different poin ts of view.

insight into or understanding of "the truth".

She's a clever and well-read woman - her insights are sufficiently attracti ve to make her a frequently read author, which justifies quite a lot of sel f-confidence.

I'm not in the same league. I do know what I'm talking about, and have a ha bit of backing it up with reference to reliable sources. Uta Frith (whom I' ve met) does know more about autism than Phil Allison.

nist" - for a long time she associated with such people here in Australia, but now she is one of very few left.

Anarcho-sydicalism is a long-established branch of the socialist movement. George Orwell fought with Catalonian anarcho-sydnicalist militia against Fr anco.

The "anarchy" involved is in the negotiation of transactions between small self-governing communities and cooperatives. Higher level organisations are deeply suspect, and justifiable only by specific circumstances (such as fi ghting off Franco).

It's been a minor faction in left-wing Australian politics for a very long time. Chomsky is another supporter. It does seem to appeal to very clever p eople, and there aren't many of them.

formatting link

Mikhail Bakunin, who died in 1876, was one of the founding fathers of the a pproach.

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He's a very early ant-communist, who helped get Marx thrown out of internat ional socialism in 1870, for his anti-democratic ideas.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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es in





cleverly. Her speciality is in the use of words - having obtained a Master of Arts degree in romantic poetry. This makes her entertaining to read or l isten to.

e accidental death of Steve Irwin " .... the animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin". Not cruel to Steve, as he was dead but very much so to his widow, small son and daughter plus all their fans.

** Massive irrelevance who she was addressing as it was bound to become new s world wide.

cements on transgender women, saying they should not be considered as such. Cardiff students tried to have her banned from speaking there in 2015.

** Yes, I was explaining something you clearly did not know.

** You are precisely in the same ball park WRT to self delusion.
** No you don't.

You merely assume you do.

munist" - for a long time she associated with such people here in Australia , but now she is one of very few left.


** Another massive irrelevance.

Bill is full of them.

.... Phil

Reply to
Phil Allison

ties in






t cleverly. Her speciality is in the use of words - having obtained a Maste r of Arts degree in romantic poetry. This makes her entertaining to read or listen to.

the accidental death of Steve Irwin " .... the animal world has finally tak en its revenge on Irwin". Not cruel to Steve, as he was dead but very much so to his widow, small son and daughter plus all their fans.

ews world wide.

Which makes the family and friends a minor issue.

uncements on transgender women, saying they should not be considered as suc h. Cardiff students tried to have her banned from speaking there in 2015.

Cardiff students trying to have her banned isn't something that the UK Cons ervative Party would be in the least worried about. They can't get upset u ntil she has actually been stopped from speaking, so you comment is an irre levance.

I'm afraid that the self-delusion is largely yours. You aren't as bad as kr w or Jim Thompson, but you do have your silly ideas, and you do stick to th em.

You do like to think that, but you don't have clue how you would demonstrat e it if it were true (which it isn't - I post links to stuff I know about a nd you merely tell us what you think, which is often correct, but not all t he time).

ommunist" - for a long time she associated with such people here in Austral ia, but now she is one of very few left.


On the contrary, your description of Germaine Greer as an "anarchist" is me rely parroting newspaper shorthand, which is irrelevant to the question whe ther what she says at universities the kind of free speech that needs much protection.

Phil does like to think that. If something isn't on his radar, it's an irre levance. Much easier to dismiss something as an "irrelevance" than to explo re what's actually going on.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Just at a pragmatic level colleges and universities also have to make money, and inviting speakers who hold certain (what some would call 'extremist') positions with open arms like Greer, Milo whatever-his-name-is, Richard Spencer, et. al. to give talks on why the people they don't like don't deserve the same legal protections they're trying to shield themselves with to give lectures on the very topic tends to piss certain students/customers off, which is bad for business.

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cleverly. Her speciality is in the use of words - having obtained a Master of Arts degree in romantic poetry. This makes her entertaining to read or l isten to.

e accidental death of Steve Irwin " .... the animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin". Not cruel to Steve, as he was dead but very much so to his widow, small son and daughter plus all their fans.

cements on transgender women, saying they should not be considered as such. Cardiff students tried to have her banned from speaking there in 2015.

l insight into or understanding of "the truth".

munist" - for a long time she associated with such people here in Australia , but now she is one of very few left.

** Has not the slightest thing to do with my post.


I know someone who frequented the same drinking establishment she did in th e 1960s in the Rocks area of Sydney. The premises was a haven for lefties, wannabe Communists and "wharfies" - aka stevedores or longshoreman.

Ms Greer was in her early 20s then and unusually tall and skinny.

After hurriedly consuming a few cold beers ( pubs closed at 6pm in those da ys) she was often known to call out loudly:

" I'm so bloody skinny, not even a wharfie would f*ck me !!! "

Immediately, one or two large, muscly, sweaty wharfies would offer to prove to Ms Greer she was very much mistaken.

She would then leave the premises with said wharfies in tow - to huge lau ghter from the whole bar.

Take Ms Greer one tiny bit seriously ?

Not me.

.... Phil

Reply to
Phil Allison

t cleverly. Her speciality is in the use of words - having obtained a Maste r of Arts degree in romantic poetry. This makes her entertaining to read or listen to.

the accidental death of Steve Irwin " .... the animal world has finally tak en its revenge on Irwin". Not cruel to Steve, as he was dead but very much so to his widow, small son and daughter plus all their fans.

uncements on transgender women, saying they should not be considered as suc h. Cardiff students tried to have her banned from speaking there in 2015.

ial insight into or understanding of "the truth".

ommunist" - for a long time she associated with such people here in Austral ia, but now she is one of very few left.

the 1960s in the Rocks area of Sydney. The premises was a haven for leftie s, wannabe Communists and "wharfies" - aka stevedores or longshoreman.

days) she was often known to call out loudly:

ve to Ms Greer she was very much mistaken.

aughter from the whole bar.

Take Phil's fifty year-old malicious gossip one tiny bit seriously? Not me.

Greer joined the Cambridge Footlights student acting company a few year lat er when she finally got to Cambridge - on the same day as Clive James - so who knows what sort of dramatic events she might have staged in Sydney. She does have a talent for getting and holding attention, and being tall and t olerably well-developed may have made that a bit easier. Phil and his frien ds might not have been aware that they were being sent up.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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